Marking and Feedback Policy


Effective marking is an essential part of the educational process. Its primary aim should be in driving pupil progress, leading to improved outcomes. The focus should be on the quality of the feedback, not the quantity. As a result of this policy, there will be greater consistency in the way that feedback is given throughout the school, leading to greater impact on learning and achievement.

Aims & principles

The aims of this policy are that feedback, whether verbal or written, should be:

Meaningful, Manageable and Motivational


Marking and feedback:

  • may vary by age group but should be clear and unambiguous
  • may vary by subject but should always be linked to current or prior learning
  • should inform future planning & teaching for the teacher
  • should be followed by opportunities for pupils to reflect on any comments or suggestions (including practice where necessary) as is deemed appropriate


Marking and feedback:

  • should be proportionate and time effective – professional judgement should be exercised as to the level of complexity necessary for each piece of work
  • should ideally take place after pupils have had the opportunity to peer– or self- correct / assess their own work first


Marking and feedback:

  • should be encouraging to help motivate pupils to make progress
  • should value effort & achievement but also challenge pupils to improve

Guidelines for implementation

The implementation of the following guidelines will depend on the age of the pupils:

  • All written work should be acknowledged in some way
  • Mark work alongside pupils whenever possible and aim to undertake a 1:1 ‘conference’ at least once a term in Writing and Maths
  • Make sure pupils understand how they could improve their work
  • Give pupils time to address issues, improve specifics and practice
  • Insist pupils check their work themselves or with a peer first against current and prior learning objectives
  • Value effort and challenge for improvement.

Pupil Self Evaluation/Peer Assessment 

  • Pupils should be trained in the process of self-evaluation/peer assessment, looking for success (measured against criteria) and suggesting improvements. 
  • Feedback/peer assessment can be oral or written according to the ability of the child and/or the nature of the task. 
  • Pupils should be given time and opportunity to act upon suggestions. 
  • The quality of the improvement suggestions and of the peer assessment should be monitored by the teacher.

Marking Methods

Method/Sign Meaning
A word underlined Incorrect spelling
Specific spellings to be looked up & written out
Something missing
New paragraph needed
? Something does not make sense

. Wrong – needs correcting

Correct answer
I Independent work (unaided)
Supported work (TA/teacher/older student)
V Verbal feedback given

Monitoring and Evaluation

School teams (including SLT, Faculty and/or year groups) will review samples of work from classes from time to time to monitor the implementation of this policy.

The performance indicators will be:

  • Pupils having a greater understanding of and ability to articulate their successes and next steps.
  • Consistency in teacher’s marking between year groups.
  • Improved progress and outcomes.

Remember – one of the key sources to show progress will be found in books!