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At JCP, attendance and punctuality are given a very high priority. In keeping with our core values, we are committed to developing motivated learners who make good progress, achieve high standards and have good habits for lifelong learning.
It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to ensure that all staff tasked with recording pupils’ attendance are fully aware of the legal requirement placed upon them in regard to these procedures. Children’s attendance, punctuality and welfare is monitored closely by the Head Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, SENDCO, Key Stage Leaders and Class Teachers.
School starts at 8:45am and children are encouraged to be in school from 8:30am onwards. We actively discourage late arrivals due to the disruption this causes not only to the individual but also to the remainder of the class. Patterns of lateness can develop into non-school attendance if left unchallenged. We are flexible where local conditions such as weather or local transport have an adverse effect on pupils arriving on time. The school has a consistent approach to lateness so as not to differentiate between classes/form groups and siblings.
From 8:30am onwards there are teachers on duty in both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. Parents /carers of Reception children are encouraged to come into school and settle the children. We have a before school provision from 8am for KS2 and Year 2 children and 8.15am for Year 1 children, who need to arrive at school earlier. This is a supervised outdoor play time.
Early intervention can have positive effects on poor attendance and punctuality therefore, if concerns begin to emerge, teachers will raise the concerns with parents/carers in the first instance. Where necessary, the Headteacher will then ask to meet with parents / carers, the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) will be made aware of concerns and, should the need arise, an Attendance Plan will be introduced.
Please refer to the Attendance Policy on our school website.
Leave During Term Time
The Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) does not, at any time, support leave during term time, however, in exceptional circumstances Head Teachers have the discretionary power to grant leave.
Parents must make a strong case to justify taking pupils out of school during term time as the absence can seriously disrupt continuity of learning. It is expected that parents will support their child’s education by arranging all leave to coincide with school holidays. An official request form must be completed and submitted to the Head Teacher.
This form is available below.
Notification of Absence
All absences due to illness or any other reason should be reported to the School Office either by telephone or email before 08:30 advising of the reason for the absence.
Other Appointments
Requests for absences such as doctors’ appointments, dental appointments, music exams etc, which cannot be made for outside of school hours, should be emailed to the School Office and copied to the class teacher. Please give plenty of notice. Children must be collected and signed in /out from the school office. If someone else is collecting your child please ensure we are advised of this otherwise we will need to contact you to confirm this before letting them leave for safeguarding reasons.
Should you need to collect or drop off when the school is in session (eg medical, dental appointments, etc.) please use the Admin Car Park at the back of the school from 08:50 – 14:30 (please use the intercom to gain entrance). You will need to report straight to the main School Office.