- Rodzice
- Dzień szkolny
Dzień szkolny
All children commence school at 08:45 with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) / Reception and Key Stage 1 finishing at 14.45 and Key Stage 2 pupils finishing at 15:00.
W godzinach porannych przewidziana jest 15-minutowa przerwa, a między 12:00 a 13:00 - godzina na lunch.
Codzienna rutyna
08:00 | The school playground is open to all pupils. There will be members of staff on duty on the playgrounds.
Reception and KS1: Bottom playground KS2: Top Playground |
08:30-08:45 | Children supervised in Reception, KS1 & KS2 playgrounds and inside classrooms.
08:50-10:30 | Rejestracja - LEKCJE KURSOWE
10:30-10:45 | Przerwa poranna
Prosimy o zapewnienie zdrowej przekąski na poranną przekąskę dziecka. Dzieci będą miały 15-minutową przerwę na szkolnym placu zabaw, a przekąski będą spożywane na zewnątrz. Upewnij się, że opakowanie jest ograniczone do minimum. EYFS mają oddzielny harmonogram. |
12:00-12:55 | Packed Lunches are eaten in the classrooms under the supervision of a lunchtime supervisor.
Lunchtime is one hour and is split into two halves; half an hour to eat and half an hour for outdoor play. Hot Lunches are available to pupils in Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to 6 only). The lunches are prepared by the JCG kitchen and the children are escorted there and back by our lunchtime supervisors. |
13:00 - 14:45 KS2 13:00 - 15:00 |
Rejestracja - LEKCJE KURSOWE
Koniec dnia | EYFS & KS1 - Children are collected from classroom outdoor areas.
KS2 - Children are collected in year group waiting circle areas. Some children attend After School Club (Little Leopards) and will make their way to the music room at 3pm. Staff to accompany KS1. Some KS2 children attend Bus Club and will wait in Library to be collected and taken to the JCG bus area. Some parents make use of the Admin Car Park Pick Up System. Their children make their way to the school foyer where members of staff meet them and wait for collection by their parent. |
Specjalne ustalenia dotyczące odbioru dzieci
Prosimy o powiadomienie wychowawcy klasy dziecka przed szkołą, jeśli ktoś inny odbiera dziecko ze szkoły lub zmienia się sposób odbioru. Prosimy o dołożenie starań, aby zrobić to tak wcześnie, jak to możliwe, szkoła jest ruchliwym miejscem, a przyjmowanie i przekazywanie tych wiadomości dzieciom i personelowi odrywa nas od naszego podstawowego celu.
Other End of Day Arrangements
We have closely looked at the options at drop off and pick up times at the start and the end of the day due to heavy congestion in the car park and surrounding areas. Whilst, as a school, we have an Island-wide catchment and a number of families may not necessarily be on a main bus route, we would like to encourage you, as parents, to consider some possible alternatives to using the car park at JCG.
For all children:
- Admin Car Park Pick Up Drop Off System: https://jcp.sch.je/pages/parent/pick-drop
For Key Stage 2 aged children:
- Bus Club: Children are supervised here until about 15:30 when they are escorted across to JCG where we make sure they get on the correct bus. You would need to ‘register’ with us for this option via the parent portal on the school website and buy a bus pass from the bus station. https://jcp.sch.je/pages/parent/bus-club. Please note the buses are not suitable to take younger children (Rec/Key Stage 1).
- Meeting a sibling/friend at VCP*: How about meeting up with a brother/friend at VCP. KS2 children could walk down to VCP straight after school, without having to cross a road.
- Arrange to meet at an alternate place/collection point*: Probably for the more confident children. You can decide where is an appropriate place to meet your child.
If you would like to try any of these alternatives as a regular arrangement and alternative to using the car park over at JCG, please make sure that your child(ren) are really confident in what to do/where to go.
* We do ask that you let your teacher know by email if you decide on options 2 or 3 so there is a record of what your child is doing. Please only let us know of any changes on the day if absolutely necessary.
Ze względu na przepisy dotyczące ochrony i w celu zapewnienia zgodności z oceną ryzyka JCG, uczniowie nie mogą wchodzić na parking JCG bez opieki. Dzieciom ze szkół podstawowych MUSI zawsze towarzyszyć osoba dorosła.