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- Umowa szkoły macierzystej
Umowy szkół domowych
As part of the admissions process parents / guardians are asked to sign this agreement with school.
This form is contained within the online admission forms: “Jersey College Prep School aims to achieve quality and excellence in every aspect of school life in a supportive environment where children, teachers and parents work together in a close partnership. This home-school agreement is based on the belief that when everyone in the school community works together benefits all pupils’ learning.
The School
As a school we are committed to:
- Providing the best possible learning environment that is safe, attractive and caring.
- Doing our best to ensure that each pupil realises their potential.
- Ensuring that all members of the school community are rated fairly and with respect.
- Keeping parents/guardians informed about school, through a variety of channels of communication.
- We will provide regular updates regarding your child’s progress throughout the school year, including progress reports and parent-teacher meetings.
- We will contact parents/guardians about any concerns or problems relating to your child’s attendance, work, and behaviour.
As parents/guardians you are committed to:
- Ensuring that my child attends school regularly and punctually.
- Informing the school office of any absences before 08:50am
- Acknowledging that there is no automatic right to take my child out of school to go on holiday during term-time and that leave of absence for such occasions should be requested well in advance and will be approved at the Head Teacher’s discretion in conjunction with the schools attendance policy.
- Providing the correct school uniform and any necessary equipment for my child to be prepared for learning.
- Supporting my child with their homework.
- Supporting the school’s Behaviour and Counter Bullying policies.
- Attending Parents’ evenings and other meetings to discuss my child’s progress and wellbeing.
- Recognising the requirement to pay the fees as determined by the Governing Body by the first day of each term as outlined in the Admissions and Finance policies.